TEAM CMP: Passionate people. With purpose.We come from the nonprofit community – professionally, personally, and sometimes both. We bring passion and purpose [and a whole lot of fun] into the work we do. We’re here to help you be the best you can be. To pursue your goals. To engage your communities. To help you accomplish your mission. Carolyn Price, CAE, PresidentFun Fact: Will run for wine and BBQ. Justin Heyman, DES, Chief Operating OfficerFun Fact: I once weathered a hurricane at Walt Disney World - longer vacation and no lines! Joel Price, Chief Culture OfficerFun Fact: I took a non-regulation 3-point shot at an NBA game. Result... air ball! Lindy Jordan, DES, Director of Event OperationsFun Fact: I once did over 100 consecutive back flips on a trampoline. Karynna Allan, Event AssociateFun Fact: Over half my family is adopted, including me! Amber Bell, Association Account ManagerFun Fact: I once rescued an owl from being eaten by a snapping turtle. Melanie Bowman, Deputy Association ExecutiveFun Fact: My husband, Jeff and I are Texas backroads enthusiasts. Whenever we get a chance and a clear sky, we hit the road in our two-seater convertible to find hidden treasures off the beaten path. We rarely have a final destination in mind but rather allow the path to unfold. Some of our favorite discoveries have been the bizarre Cartoon Saloon, bluebonnets at Smithwick Cemetery, hiking across suspension Regency Bridge, views from Willow City Loop, riding the Twisted Sisters, and feeding the peacocks at the Garven Store. Harrison Breuer, CAE, Association ExecutiveFun Fact: I've waded in the world's least-visited ocean: the Arctic. Katie Caldwell, Client Finance DirectorFun Fact: I swam with sharks in Bora Bora! Beverly Carter, Communications DirectorFun Fact: I can safely work with bats because I've had all my rabies shots - a total of 8 shots, uhh... maybe 10. Caroline Cunningham, Event ManagerFun Fact: The number of countries I have visited is more than the number of years I've been alive. Jenny Davis, Customer Care ManagerFun Fact: The hostess with the mostest… My home has welcomed strangers from 9 US states plus Chile, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Australia & Denmark! Libby DeShazo, Event DirectorFun Fact: I've been singing all my life along with the privilege of singing at The Broken Spoke in Austin, Texas. Peyton Gibbons, Event AssociateFun Fact: My first ever tackle football game was played on the blue turf at the Boise State football field. Stephanie Gonter, Copy EditorFun Fact: Stephanie once ate ice cream with John Travolta in his driveway! Becky Gray, Association ExecutiveFun Fact: My favorite vegetables are dark chocolate and wine. Amy Hamand, Program DirectorFun Fact: Texan, born and raised. Performed in a country and ballroom dance troupe. I can two-step, waltz, swing, polka, fox trot and tango. Allie Hennessey, Account AssociateFun Fact: I grew up on a farm! I once showed my llama at the county fair and won Sweepstakes. Also, I won the Indiana State Fair with my horse 6 consecutive years in a row. Kristin Hillestad, Event ManagerFun Fact: My toe was ran over by Barbara Bush's wheelchair steered by George H.W. Bush on Thanksgiving Day. Andrea Homan, Customer Care AssociateFun Fact: I was born and raised in Maine, spent 20 years as a Navy spouse & I love 80’s hair band music! Tori McInturff, Customer Care AssociateFun Fact: I once made 250 cinnamon rolls at one time from scratch. Amber Meiske, Event DirectorFun Fact: Happiest when hiking: I once hiked 92 miles through the Scottish Highlands in 7 days! Ebony Ornelas, Client Finance AssociateFun Fact: My middle name is Sunshine: an awesome reminder that in all situations, no matter how difficult they may be, you can always find the light that will guide you through them. Jacob Price, Event AssociateFun Fact: I missed Texas All State Choir by 1 chair 2 years in a row in Highschool. Joshua Price, Client Finance AssociateFun Fact: I have coded a program in C++ that calculates wages and payments for full time and part time employees. Whitney Reid, Event ManagerFun Fact: I once sang for an audience of 3000 people in Las Vegas... I like to think I had a brief residency. Tara Roberts, Leadership & Governance Specialist, Deputy Association ExecutiveFun Fact: My family was known as the Smith Family Zoo with multiple dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, frogs, turtles, fish, etc. They were all very well mannered, I assure you. Diana Rosales, Event ManagerFun Fact: When I was 11, I had my first taste of fame on a kids TV show. Being part of the cast was an incredible experience - I was very proud of my first job! Kim Ross, Deputy Association ExecutiveFun Fact: I'm in the movie Hope Floats with Sandra Bullock and Harry Connick, Jr. I am in the dancing scene (choregraphed by Patsy Swayze, Patrick Swayze’s mom) that was filmed at Watterson Dance Hall in the city of Red Rock, right outside of Austin, TX. Leo Schack III, Customer Care AssociateFun Fact: I grew up in an Indiana small town, which held a fall festival. The festival had an event called “the pig chase” and I was a 3-time champion (a threepeat)! Vanessa Semonick, Account Associate | MembershipFun Fact: I am a dizygotic twin. Stefanie Yandell, Event DirectorFun Fact: I made 32 dozen tamales in a weekend by myself, simply because someone said I couldn’t do it. |